This intense action-thriller unfolds in real time as two embattled souls fight for their lives. Academy Award winner Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight) stars as a vicious crime boss out to kill Nick, the lone witness set to testify against him. He hires a mysterious female motorcycle courier (Olga Kurylenko, Quantum of Solace) to unknowingly deliver a poison-gas bomb to slay Nick. But after she rescues Nick from certain death, the duo must confront an army of ruthless hired killers in order to survive the night.
The Courier releases on Blu-ray and DVD on January 21, and we have one copy of the Blu-ray pack to give away to a lucky winner! You have from now through midnight Eastern time on the night of Friday, January 17, 2020, to get your entries in. Take a look at the form below to see all the ways you can enter.
Good luck!
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