NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month, is celebrating its 10th Anniversary this year! Taking place during the month of November, the goal is to write a novel 50,000 words long (or 175 pages). You’ll need to write furiously because you’ll only have until 11:59 on November 30th to submit your work.
Style and substance are not nearly as important as it would be in any other kind of writing contest, because in this contest, you’re competing with only three things: yourself, procrastination, and time. Forget editing your ideas; let them flourish! While winning is accomplishing this goal, and no one at NaNoWriMo will actually read or judge the book, you can pat yourself on the back for completing such a daunting task. Also, there have been 24 writers who have completed NaNoWriMo who have gone on to be published. Who’s to say number 25 won’t be you?
In honor of those who have been published after completing NaNoWriMo, this month I am going to feature a few extra bonus book reviews of their work. Also, as if I didn’t have enough on my plate, I will be participating as well. So if you sign up on their website to participate, add me as a friend. My “name” there is Kellykinns. Good luck to all participants, and if this is the first time you’ve ever heard of NaNoWriMo, check it out and give it a try!