Fandomania is abuzz over the upcoming Green Lantern movie, but as super and heroic as I’m sure the Green Lantern is, he can’t hold a candle to my all-time favorite superhero, Wonder Woman. I remember watching Lynda Carter in The New Adventures of Wonder Woman on TV when I was a small child in the early ’80s, and from the first strains of the theme song I was hooked. One year I had a Wonder Woman-themed birthday party (the cake pan may still be in one of my mom’s kitchen cabinets somewhere) and in 2nd grade I was Wonder Woman for Halloween (one of those plastic costumes you wore over your clothes with the mask you didn’t wear because you could neither see nor breathe through it very well).

It's scary when a costume from the mid-'80s is listed on an auction site as "vintage."
I think I even had Wonder Woman PJs at some point (but not Underoos — those featured Princess Leia). By the time I was in elementary school I had moved on to playing G.I. Joe on the playground at recess instead of practicing my costume-change spin, but Wonder Woman still holds a special place in my heart. She absolutely rocks, and these are just a few reasons why (in no particular order).
1. She has awesome accessories.
Bullet-deflecting bracelets, strength-giving belt, lasso of truth (the original lie-detector), and a tiara that doubles as an enemy-stopping boomerang — what else does a girl need? They’re the perfect complement to any outfit.
2. Spinning is way cooler than changing clothes in a phone booth.
Besides, these days, where can you find a phone booth to begin with? And just what does Superman do with Clark’s mild-mannered reporter suit, leave it crumpled up on the floor? The spin can be done any time, anywhere, and leaves no evidence of alter-egos behind.
3. She has an awesome theme song.
Because it has more than one word and has never been parodied by Homer Simpson, it ranks at the top, just above the almost-as-great theme songs to Batman and Spider Man. Plus, it plays over a cool comic-book opening title sequence and has great lyrics like “In your satin tights/fighting for your rights/and the old Red White and Blue!” Ready for a sing-along?
4. She hangs out with awesome people.
No offense to Wonder Girl and Steve Trevor, but Wonder Woman made a good choice when in her animated version she joined up with the Justice League in one of my favorite cartoons, Super Friends. Same costume, same invisible jet, and she got to hang out and fight bad guys alongside the likes of Superman, Batman, and Aquaman.
5. She’s a princess and a superhero.
When she’s not saving the world or living incognito among mere mortals, Wonder Woman is Princess Diana, one of the Amazons of Paradise Island. Princesses, especially of the Disney variety, are very popular with little girls right now. Yeah, they’re beautiful and marry handsome princes and all that, but when was the last time you saw Cinderella, Belle, or Jasmine kick some Nazi butt? In this regard, Wonder Woman’s only equal is my other favorite Princess/Kicker-of-Imperial-Butt, Princess Leia.
6. She rids the world of evil, and makes it look good.
Any ordinary cop catches criminals. Wonder Woman, on the other hand, also fights Nazis and other assorted major bad guys and makes the world a safer place for all of us. Plus, she does it with not a single hair out of place and without the slightest fear of a wardrobe malfunction. Perhaps most amazingly of all, she almost always manages to save the day without violence (on her part at least).
Thank you for coming along on my trip down memory lane. Keep in mind that I haven’t actually seen an episode of The New Adventures of Wonder Woman or Super Friends in over twenty years, so I may not remember everything exactly accurately. These are the things that were the most memorable, however, and still stick out in my mind as Really Cool and Awesome Things about her. Feel free to share who your favorite superhero is and why in the comments, but you’ll never convince me that he/she is anywhere near as awesome as Wonder Woman.
This is the most retarded article I’ve ever seen. Wonder Woman is one of the lamest superheroes EVER created, and America’s obsession with political correctness and feminism is the sole reason why DC considers her one of their top 3 superheroes.
Ah, I love Wonder Woman! I didn’t grow up with her, and I don’t identify as a woman, but I see so much female/woman empowerment in her, timelessness and coolness, she stays up there long term as awesome, like the male/man superheroes.
Great article! =]
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You missed all of her best points! In fact you didn’t even need 6 points just one
“We have a saying, my people. ”Don’t kill if you can wound, don’t wound if you can subdue, don’t subdue if you can pacify, and don’t raise your hand at all until you’ve first extended it.”
That’s Wonder Woman, That’s why she’s the best