I’ve noticed that female vampires do not get nearly enough attention as male ones. And when they are depicted, half the time they are insane or evil. A cool, evil vampiress isn’t always bad, but there should be more than one depiction of female vampires. Luckily, the world of fiction is a vast place and there are plenty of crushworthy female vampires. These fanged women of the night have strong personalities and are equal to their male counterparts.
In no particular order…
1. Serana (Skyrim)
Untold years of being locked away with an Elder Scroll have not dampened Serana’s drive to right old wrongs.
2. Merit (Chicagoland Vampires)
As Sentinel of her house, she protects her vampire family as well as her human one while carrying a katana.
3. Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Dru is a little crazy, but she is strong willed and maintains Spike’s devotion for centuries.
4. Gabrielle de Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles)

Art by blavatskaya
Lestat’s strong-willed mother never gives into anyone, in life or in death.
5. Selene (Underworld)
The death dealer turned savior proves her courage and has a kind heart inside of her.
6. Pam (True Blood)
The queen of snark never turns from her vampire nature and provides some much needed relief from Sookie drama.
7. Carmilla (Various Incarnations)
Carmilla is nearly as legendary as Dracula and just as beautiful and deadly.
8. Seras Victoria (Hellsing)
It takes this undead policegirl a long time to give into her vampire nature, but even when she does she never loses her humanity.
9. Cat Crawfield (The Night Huntress Series)
Cat transitions to from a half-vampire to a full-blooded one, but she never loses her integrity and fiery passion.
10. Miyu (Vampire Princess Miyu)
A daywalker who gracefully walks between two worlds, she has a hot-blooded personality that always makes her interesting.
Feel free to share your favorite female vampires. There are all kinds of ways to be crushworthy.