The groundwork is laid for gathering Team!Angel and we get some more insight into the characters that we will soon meet. An interesting set-up that makes me look forward to what’s to come. Read More
We’re starting the building blocks towards meeting canonical characters, but this reality will be much different than the one we’re used to. However, some things remain Angel’s eternal angst over his past misdeeds. The more things Read More
Angel is despairing the secrecy of Sunnydale and the tragic loss of his friend. Now that he has a mission to focus on, he’s going to have to take on an enemy that seems unstoppable. An interesting beginning to the journey, with a well-known character Read More
We are restarting the Angel storyline and get to see how his entrance to Sunnydale compares to the original. Loss and regret seem to be the ongoing themes in Angel’s life, despite which canon thread we follow. Read More
The battle against the monster plants and bugs continue, while Angel, Fred, and Illyria work to come to some understanding about who they are and where they’re headed. A nice wrap-up of the current storyline and a promise of things to come. Read More
There are a lot of ramifications to deal with when you’re messing with timelines, and there are even more when you’re messing with emotions between two friends turned lovers – especially when one of them isn’t in control of her body at the time. Angel’s Read More
Angel’s trying to change his past and Fred’s trying to secure their future. In the end, only one can have their way. The repercussions of their decisions are sure to carry forward through many issues to come! Read More
Running through history changing the past is bound to have consequences for the future. It seems like everyone understands this but one strong-willed vampire with a soul. Let’s hope that Illyria/Fred manages to reel him in before he does damage that Read More
Oh, those crazy zombies and double Angelus/Angels. It’s a fun, run-for-your-life party in the new Angel comic. And by the end of it, I would hope we’re on to bigger and better adventures. Read More
Double renderings of Angel/Angelus, double renderings of Fred/Illyria, and double renderings of trouble ahead for all of them. It’s quite an adventure that the characters are taking and one that’s not over yet! Read More
With a whole lot of action, but not a lot of conversation, Angel and Illyria get into it during this month’s issue. The vampire cannot let history repeat itself, and if he can prevent Illyria from causing massive death among her followers, he’s going to Read More
People develop fandoms around certain couples and declare they are the one true pairing. However, what happens when you can't stomach a couple at all? The shipping urge dies within you and you tune out the couple each time you see them on the screen. Read More