Captain Jack Sparrow embarks this weekend on his newest adventure with Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and he's the feature for this week's Fan Art Friday. Read More
It's been about 20 years since Army of Darkness was released in theaters (I know, right!?) and tower defense games are all the rage when it comes to home tablets. It is now a perfect time to celebrate the anniversary of AoD with this fantastic gem that BackFlip Studios and MGM Read More
Morgan puts on a feast for Arthur and his Knights over at Castle Pendragon, which quickly turns to bedlam as the castle seemingly comes under "attack". As Arthur and Morgan's men join forces to fight, Morgan schemes and plots right out in the open for all to see if they bothered Read More
The soundtrack to The Tree of Life has a sense of ambiguity that is its biggest asset, inviting its listeners on a journey to discover an undiscoverable truth. And what a beautiful-sounding journey that is. Read More
One of the most popular genres in recent years has been Urban Fantasy. In this installment of Defining the Genre, I discuss its definitions and major themes as well as how it fits in with other subgenres of Fantasy. Read More
The Flash #12, the last issue of the "The Road to Flashpoint" story arc and the last issue of this particular title, opens with the same parallel story construction and artist, Scott Kolins, that the previous issue ended with. Read More
For the casual listener, Age of Heroes is not a bad soundtrack, and the cuts that contain the main theme are especially enjoyable. It does not stand up to the scrutiny of a close listening, however, and while it does the job as intended, it is just not unique enough to cause it Read More
Overall, while it wasn’t what I’d imagined it would be, I enjoyed this anthology of Hellraiser stories. They were all very different, both content and style-wise, and it was interesting to see how much they varied. Some of the stories I could have done without, but some had great Read More
The hits keep on coming with this season. With another Disney Pirates movie due out on the 20th, it would seem that the show is just cashing in on the wave, but Doctor Who manages to make its own memorable splash (that’s right, two puns for the price of one!) and crafts a Read More