We all have our favorite fandoms, and most of us love diverse things across various forms of media. TV and books are two staples of the geek diet, and wonderful things can happen when there’s an intersection between them. Today’s Fandom Tumblr of the Week lives precisely at that intersection and draws some intriguing parallels.
Slaughterhouse 90210
Fandom(s): Books and television
Theme or gimmick: Each post connects a TV show or character with a quotation from a book by captioning a screenshot.
When it started: March 5, 2009
Tumblr intro: “Kurt Vonnegut, meet Brenda Walsh.”
Why it’s great: There’s a common misconception that all TV is brainless junk food. While there’s no doubt that you can bore your brain into oblivion with a lot of the pre-canned network fare, there is as much or more TV that is every bit as much art as highly regarded movies and novels. The complexity inherent in genre TV in particular is what draws many of us into its circle of influence. Slaughterhouse 90210 pinpoints the depth of our favorite shows and characters by finding previously unrelated and eloquent passages that perfectly encapsulate moments and themes from the shows.