I think a good portion of YouTube users know Egoraptor — real name Arin Hanson. He makes some funny animated videos that are quite nerdy. He is also a showrunner of the Game Grumps series, where video games are played and hijinks are the order of the day. He first teamed up with JonTron (Jon Jafari), who helped co-found Game Grumps. After JonTron left, Danny from Ninja Sex Party took his place. I have a strange relationship with this show. I don’t watch the show of my own volition. I was forced into a relationship with them.
My husband, then fiancé, watched Game Grumps very late at night while I was trying to sleep. This made me grumpy from the get go. So, I have been listening to Game Grumps for about a year at the time when I am trying to sleep. The time of night which the Grumps were viewed made me disposed to hate them. I would plead for him to use headphones or watch at an earlier time. None of that made a difference. Gradually, Game Grumps became a part of my nightly routine. I listened to the antics of Jon and Arin, and then Arin and Danny. Barely a night went by when I didn’t hear the Game Grumps. However, I refused to actually watch them. I had to take a stance against anything that kept me up at night.
Relationships can change. I will freely admit that if I am feeling sad or stress, I watch the Game Grumps play The Amazing Frog?. It makes me laugh all the time. It’s probably one of the silliest episodes they have made. I admit to a strong liking for it. I have grown resigned that I’ll spend my nights in bed hearing the voices of Danny and Arin. Oh, I also need to throw in Ross and Suzy. I get to ride the Steam Train and occasionally get to hear episodes of Table Flip. I can say that have accepted Game Grumps into my life.
And that Danny is terribly cute.