This week we talk about our start of 2016, including more Star Wars talk, an update on our video gaming, and thoughts about The Hateful Eight. Read More
The Force Awakens has demolished box office records in its first couple of weeks of release, and it hasn't even opened in China yet! Rey is the Star Wars universe's newest heroine, and fandom for her is soaring. Check out this great collection of fan Read More
We’ve been looking back at our favorite movies and video games of 2015 over the past few days, and we even enumerated our biggest disappointments of the year. Now, on the final day of 2015, the Fandomania staff lists our favorite TV shows that aired Read More
We’re in the final week of 2015, and we’re continuing our compilations of the Fandomania staff’s favorite releases of the year. Yesterday we talked about our favorite movies of 2015, and today we’re taking a look back at our favorite video games. Read More
As 2015 draws to a close, we’re sticking to our annual tradition of appreciating our favorite geeky things from the past year. Yesterday we began by looking at some of the biggest disappointments of 2015. With the negativity out of the way, today we’re Read More
It’s Tuesday, and that means it’s time for another round of new music for Rock Band! This week features music from Coldplay, Ellie Goulding, Justin Bieber, One Direction, Sam Hunt, and Weezer. You can pick up each individual song for $1.99 a piece, and Read More
It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for our roundup of our top three (or less) picks of the notable geeky releases for the coming week in games, movies, and video. Check back each Monday for the newest cool stuff that will be hitting over the coming Read More
At the end of each year we poll the Fandomania staff to bring you our favorite movies, TV shows, and video games from the year that’s concluding. Even though there’s always a lot of great stuff that excited us, there inevitably will be fan crushing Read More
It’s Tuesday, and that means it’s time for another round of new music for Rock Band! This week features music from U2. You can pick up each individual song for $1.99 a piece or get the whole U2 Essentials 01 pack for $13.49. Here’s the track list, Read More
It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for our roundup of our top three (or less) picks of the notable geeky releases for the coming week in games, movies, and video. Check back each Monday for the newest cool stuff that will be hitting over the coming Read More