From Walt Disney Animation Studios comes the Shorts Film Collection, an extraordinary new collection of award-winning and beloved short films featuring Disney’s Frozen Fever, starring Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Sven and Kristoff, and the Oscar-nominated Lorenzo. You can bring it home on Blu-ray August 18. Enjoy this must-own collection with all-new extras including an inside look at the Disney Animation shorts, featuring introductions and interviews with the acclaimed filmmakers themselves.
If you’d like to add this great collection to your own Blu-ray library, you can win a copy from us right here at Fandomania! We’re giving away one copy to a lucky winner, and you can get a chance to win if you enter between now and midnight Eastern time on the night of Friday, August 21, 2015. Take a look at the form below to see all the ways you can enter.
Good luck!