Invincible has been rehabilitated, at least in the republic’s eyes, and some of the Guardians of the Globe don’t like it.
Note: This recap may contain spoilers!
Specifically, Rex Plode, watching the news from the Guardians’ new orbiting headquarters (which also serves to reestablish normal tidal fluctuations caused when Invincible and Dinosaurus blew up the moon in an attempt to “wipe the slate clean” on Earth), and he’s annoyed. Not only did Cecil allow Invincible to return to the Guardians as a hero, he’s also giving him credit for saving the Earth!
This issue also marks the return of Angstrom Levy (that’s the dude with the head that looks like a giant exposed brain who creates all kinds of pan-dimensional portals). He’s been in Invincible’s dimension for a few issues, so technically this issue is not his return, but this is the issue he realizes Invincible isn’t dead and decides to get all revengey on him, so, non-technically, this is his return. He goes to Invincible’s house to capture Invincible’s mother, but instead finds Eve.
Eve, it turns out, is a total airhead and already forgot that if she uses her powers, it will damage or kill her unborn child. Invincible runs off to fight a random villain while she goes to some friends’ house to talk to “normal” people who can sympathize with her not being able to use powers. When Eve returns, Levy is waiting for her. Levy surmises that Eve doesn’t have powers, or else she would have used them already. Invincible gets home just in time to rescue Eve, but Levy is too quick and sends Invincible to another dimension. In the scuffle, Eve gets knocked over. I think she lands on her tummy, which is more drama around the baby, but I’m not sure based on the angles of the artwork. We’ll probably get more clarification next issue.
This is a decent issue where we set up a bunch of new possible plot lines. Good stuff, for the most part.
Rating: 3.5 / 5 Stars