Over the past few days, information has been pouring out about Guitar Hero IV and how it’s going to be ripping off implementing some of Rock Band’s core features. Among those features is the inclusion of drums (how is it still Guitar Hero?) and vocals. Game Informer magazine has the first shot of the new drum kit for GH4, which differs from its Rock Band brethren in that it includes a couple of raised pads to act as cymbals. One interesting tidbit from the Game Informer article is a statement from project director Brian Bright about how the GH4 drum kit differs from the Rock Band one:
“One of the things we really wanted to do was make it quieter than our competitor’s kit,” comments Bright. “The drums are loud as hell and it’s distracting. Everyone else in the room is like ‘Shut up!’ We also wanted to be able to send along velocity data. We know how hard you hit all six, including the pedal.”
Source: Joystiq